This drop box is for PILLS only, no plastic or other containers will be accepted. The office will be open for anyone who wants to use this service, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 100:00 A.M. till 4:00 P.M. We will provide them with plastic baggie to put PILLS in. Once they put the pills in the baggie, they will pass it through the window and Mary will put the pills in the drop box.

Pain Relievers: Vicodin, Fentanyl, OxyContin, Hydro demurral Anti-Depressants: Valium, Xanax, Zoloft, Prozac
Sleep Aides: Ambien
Behavior Modification Medication: Ritalin, Adderall

Medicated ointments and lotions
Needles, Syringes, lancets, epi-pens
Bloody or infectious waste
Over the counter drugs
Vitamins and Supplements
Insulin and inhalers

Howard Noppe, Chief
Spring Arbor Township Police Department

June 26, 2017 Roads Update

Since the passing of our Road Improvement Millage in May we have been busy  working with our Bond Advisors, Legal Counsel and Jackson County Department of Transportation (JcDOT) to coordinate the sale of our Bonds and planning for the overall project.  We expect to sell these bonds in August of this year so that we have funds to pay for work that is about to begin in the township.  As outlined in the information packets the work was to start in 2018 and is to be finished by the end of 2020. We had also planned to begin yet this year on engineering work and drainage issues.  After carefully working with JcDOT and their engineering department it was determined we could begin laying asphalt and rebuilding roads yet this year.  These roads are in areas where we have minimal driveways to reconstruct and are on roads where we will not travel with heavy trucks in future road construction projects.  Roads that will be upgraded this year include: Bunting, Slayton, Carter, Dickens, Farhat, Emerson, Hammond, Ikram Oaks, parts of Reynolds, Mathews and Cross.  This is in addition to all the other projects that need to be done before we can begin the balance of work on our roads and streets. Spring of 2018 and continuing into 2019 will become the main years of construction for the balance of Spring Arbor’s roads.

M-60 rebuild is scheduled for 2018 and will start next spring. Neighborhoods around this work area will see their streets and roads done in 2019. If you live in this area and have potholes please call the Pot- Hole Hot Line at JcDOT 788-4230 and give them the location of the areas to be filled.

If you are on Facebook you are encouraged to “like” and “follow” Jackson County Department of Transportation’s Facebook page to stay up to on “anything” roads in the county as well as what roads will be worked on each day in Spring Arbor Township. This will be important as we navigate over the next 3 years. When roads in your neighborhood are going to be worked on you will be notified for planning your daily travel to and from your home, office, business.

We are excited to begin the road transformation of our township yet this summer!

David Herlein, Supervisor
Spring Arbor Township
517-750-2800 x 201

United States Flag Presented to Spring Arbor Township

The flag was flown over Camp Dwyer in Afghanistan when Captain Sterling Raehtz, a Spring Arbor Township resident, was based there.  He was able to obtain this flag and presented to the Township as a sign of his respect and honor for his hometown.  Captain Raehtz is currently based in Texas so his parents presented the flag to the Township board in his name.  The Township is pleased and proud to accept this gift and will proudly display this honor in the Township Hall.

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