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Summit DPW will begin its FALL Hydrant Flushing program in Spring Arbor Twp. on September 23, 2024.
Hydrant Flushing will take place between 7am and 3:30pm Monday – Friday and is expected to take one week.
Flushing is necessary to wash iron and other sediment out of water mains. The sediment does not affect water quality, but can cause water to become discolored.
The water is safe to drink and discoloration often disappears within a short time.
Residents are advised to not wash clothing while lines are being flushed in their area and for motorists to slowdown and use caution if driving past a hydrant being flushed.
For more information, call 788-4113
JULY 23, 2024 Spring Arbor:
In June, the Spring Arbor Township Board approved a $1.7 million contract with Jones Construction Solutions, acting as Construction Manager, to construct a 1750 square foot addition and completely remodel to the Township office building.
Design work has been provided by Covalle Group Architects of Jackson. The addition and renovation of our facility will include improved office space; larger meeting space that will accommodate 9 days of early voting for state and federal elections; additional capacity for secure records, equipment and data storage; conference rooms; IT upgrades; heating and air conditioning improvements; ADA enhancements and improved security. Floor plan drawings are available in the Township Office lobby. Construction is underway and is expected to be completed by year end.
The Township Office will remain open during construction. For more information, contact David Herlein, Supervisor, Spring Arbor Township 517-750-2800 x 201 or
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